Thursday, December 25, 2014

7arakeh - get moving in the New Year!

Hi Family Flavours family!

Are you hoping to introduce more activity into your life after the New Year? Or are you just plain bored of hopping on the elliptical for 30 minutes with limited results? Check out 7arakeh - an innovative Arabic-language fitness program. 

7arakeh (which means "movement" in Arabic; the 7 represents the Arabic letter ح) draws from many of the popular fitness approaches today and utilizes four major routines within the approximately one hour-long programme. 

Qafzeh (Arabic for jump) starts the class off to get hearts pumping and consists of aerobic moves, such as lots of jumping and familiar dance-like moves. There are also three different quwwa (strength) sections that focus on lower body, upper body and abs interspersed with rakleh (kicking), which incorporates moves from mixed martial arts. The dabkeh portion, of course, refers to the traditional Arab dance form.

Founder Rima Amer was inspired to develop the 7arakeh program after she was told that her English was not strong enough for master's level certification in popular English-language alternatives. Somewhat stunned at first, she bounced back and decided, “Okay. If my English is weak, khalas. I’ll do my own Arabic programme with my Arabic language!” 

What does the average 7arakeh class entail? Imagine exercisers of all shapes, sizes and ages rocking out at their appropriate fitness level. There is lots of encouragement and shared whooping, shouting, and laughter. 

For more information, check out our full article @: 

Additionally, check out the program itself at:

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