What I have learned is that this kind of help not only saves mamas from insanity and stress, it also saves marriages and adds a sense of partnership, appreciation and commitment like no other. Babas are great, babas work hard for their families, babas add a sense of safety, babas carry the burden of providing for their households, no one can replace babas. However, when a mama is at home all day, caring for her children, barely engaging in adult conversation and puts her own life on hold for the "benefit of her children and family", the daily tasks and responsibilities can take away a piece of her, and with baba's help, she can feel that she is not alone.
I cannot agree more, but it takes a lot of practice
Hi noora
It's so strange how different it is in the western world. Parents are in it together from day one. There's no role distribution, they're both parents and share the responsibility. They both feed, change clothes, take to the potty, drive to school, take to basket ball practice, and give the occasional pep talk equally.
I once met a couple where the father stayed at home while mom went back to work coz her income was better. That made absolute sense and shows how much they thought of what was in the best interest of the family.
I hope the new generation will be different and its our role as moms to make sure the message goes through.
Moms your the best. Stand strong with your heads held high.
I work full time so does my Arab husband, our son Zaid is suck today and my husband will be taking off tommorow to stay home! He has more sick days stored up, so he usually stays home on these days. I am American and he is Arab and we both share all aspects of our kids lives! We are equally educated, make equal pay, and equally take care of our family!
I'm glad to hear that and I hope Zaid feels better :)
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