Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Joys of Travel

Here I am, in the lounge at the JFK airport concluding my last day of this holiday. It is so amazing and after my very recent experience, very needed for mamas to lose touch of reality and mama-hood sometimes. Granted, I had my son with me, but so many of the mama-hood rituals are a lot easier on vacation. Bedtime routines don't need to be so strict; waking up for preschool and getting an argument over what to wear, brushing teeth, and leaving the house on time are all thrown out the window. And something about being out of the house most of the time has its own wonders of keeping the kids entertained during the day and exhausted during the night! For the first time in three years, I took a 12 day vacation, and during, I was a really fun and cool mama. But mama-hood, here I come again with preparations for the last days of Ramadan and the joys of eid coming up. Reality shall strike in 14 hours, thank god for both!

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