Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Flavour Of The Day With Noora

It's funny how every child is born with his/her personality. This is something you don't truly appreciate until you have your own kids.

But with life being so hectic, I find myself wishing for a one size fits all kind of parenting technique. And while that is failing miserably, I remember that my parents never had the issue of taking each individually. With six kids, there was just one way to do things, the right way!

I must have researched tens of parenting books, each advocating a parenting style, none of which work for all three of my kids simultaneously. This is making me wonder, are we becoming too obsessed as parents? Are we complicating an already challenging situation by trying to be too specific? And if I don't agree with what the books and articles are saying, does that mean my children will grow up to be less successful, less emotionally adjusted, and less of what they could have been?

What could possibly be the right answer? 

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