Monday, October 31, 2011
Flavour of The Day With Noora
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Flavour Of The Day With Noora
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Flavour of The Day With Noora

Monday, October 24, 2011
Flavour of The Day With Noora

6:00 am
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Flavour of The Day With Noora

Extra Naggy!
Yousef, my 11-month-old son, has been extra naggy the past few months. I don’t know why and I cannot figure out what has changed, but things are definitely getting out of control.
If I leave the room to go to the kitchen for example, even though he can still see me, he starts crying. If we are in the same room, he has to be in my lap. If we are not in the same room, he cries hysterically. What’s even worse is that he is not accepting ANYONE but me. He is constantly nagging until I carry him.
I don’t know if this is just a phase, but I need to find a solution ASAP. Before all this, he used to love going to my sister’s house and I could leave him there for hours without any problems. Now, he refuses to stay in the same room with her if I am not there!
For anyone who works from home and has an entire house to look after, this situation is too hard to handle. I cannot carry him while I am cooking or cleaning and I cannot leave all the work until he is asleep, I am too exhausted by then.
Some people are telling me that I should gradually try to change this habit; others are telling me that I should wait it out. But, what if waiting it out makes things worse?!
What shall I do?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Flavour of The Day With Noora

Is it from the Flu?
Monday, October 17, 2011
Flavour of The Day With Noora

Baby # 2
Friday, October 14, 2011
Flavour of The Day With Noora

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Flavour of The Day With Noora

Baby Groups
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Flavour of The Day With Noora

Something Is Bothering Me
The house-work is killing me! Writing this blog post at 10:30pm is the first thing I have done for myself all day.
When has Amman become such a dusty city? I wipe the table, turn my back and it’s dirty again! On the other hand, there are the piles and piles of laundry that need to be washed, dried, ironed, and neatly returned to where they belong. The dishes that need to be cleaned and the bottles that need to be sterilized. On top of it all, there is my 11-moth-old baby who seems to want to follow me everywhere I go, and I mean everywhere!
I don’t remember ever being this tidy before I got married. In fact, I remember my mum threatening to throw all my clothes away if I do not remove them off the floor. Whenever I lost something, I knew exactly where it was, behind the bed. Life was simple.
Lately, I have been feeling very down. It’s not just the pressures of the house and my son, I really miss the “me time” I used to have. I miss getting my hair and nails done, I miss having uninterrupted hot meals, I miss watching TV and I miss going out of the house, worry-free. More than anything, I miss going to the gym.
Everyone keeps on telling me that I should take a break every now and then, but I do not have many options when it comes to finding someone to watch my baby. I just feel stuck and it is really getting to me. Help!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Flavour of The Day With Noora
Family Ties
There is nothing like family! I am currently in Riyadh, where most of my family members reside, and I am feeling great.
I have 7 brothers and sisters and 9 nieces and nephews. Each with his or her own personality, yet a perfect fit within the whole picture. My eldest niece is 16 and the youngest is just over a year. It always surprises me how well they all get along and how much they all truly love each other.
When we were growing up, my father had always reserved Wednesdays to be family days. No friends and no plans outside the house. Just all of us crammed together in our living room with our noises bouncing off the walls. Yes, it used to annoy us sometimes because when you are young, you do not appreciate the importance of family. But now that I have a family of my own, I thank my father every day for planting the importance of family ties in all of us.
I sometimes hear stories of siblings fighting over money, cutting all ties because their spouses do not get along or simply drifting apart because they each have their own social life. I do not wish that on anyone!
Speaking as a daughter, sister, aunt, and mama, do not under-estimate the importance of family, it truly is a precious gift. Set aside one day of the week for your immediate family and start creating a new generation of loving children.