It's starting to feel like my 1 year and 10 month old son and my 3-month-old daughter have an evil plot against me designed to deprive me of sleep. They have impeccable timing and alternate when each wakes up. And of course Yousef has to add a "mama" call here and there which is just enough to wake me up but harmless enough to let him go right back to sleep.
On the other hand, this diet I am putting myself on is putting me even more on the edge. Mentally, I am becoming consumed with losing the post-baby weight and so I am going on very reduced portions. Add that to the lack of sleep and I am on no-energy by the time it is 10pm.
On the bright side, between the hours of 10pm-12am it is just me and my husband, engaging in adult conversation, and laughing about how hectic life has become in our household of 5! I have said it before and I will say it again, I cannot wait until they grow up...
i know i might sound like a starkler commenting on every post but i can't help it i mean i'd be thinking about something & you write it down!
i was just thinking to my self when & how did they make this diabolic plan & speaking of wich who came up with that sarcastic saying " sleeps like a baby"????
Dear Reem,
First of all, I would really like to thank you for replying to my posts! It is really nice to connect with other mamas out there and in such a way that spins humour into this situation we got ourselves into :) Therefore, this is a request to please STAY IN TOUCH!
As for the "sleeps like a baby", I think we can both agree it was probably developed my a man and not a mama. Second of all, we can also both agree on "don't wake a sleeping baby!" as a more realistic saying...
I'm feeling your pain, I have just the toddler and I sometimes completely lose my head...I just keep reminding myself to enjoy him (sometimes I have to force it :P) because he will grow up so fast and now he wants me and loves me and is so cute....Other times it is the best feeling in the world to be with him :)
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