Wednesday, August 1, 2012

flavour of The Day with Noora

Yousef (19-months) suddenly started to form sentences. We went from single word conversations to having a 3-4-word sentence. It's hilarious to watch him repeat it to himself over and over again trying to make it sound like the way I say it. And out of nowhere, he is saying words I never thought he knew.

The rush I get from hearing him speak is indescribable. It's like I am getting to know my baby not only by his mischievous actions, but now we engage in a two-way conversation which always ends up with my laughing admirably.

It's so amazing how the brain develops and how with each age, he is changing into a more mature personality, a more defined character and someone who is absolutely captivating me and his father. I can't wait for the stages to come!

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