The Peak at 8 Weeks
A paediatrician once told me that the peak for colicky babies is between 6-8 weeks, and that is where I am now with my daughter Mona!
Her non-stop crying with a super-high pitch is stronger than ever between the hours of 8pm-12:30pm. It feels like she has some built up energy that she must let out, it's so strange. And of course, like all colicky infants nothing soothes her.
I went through this with my older baby Yousef and I still remember how dreadful those 2 weeks were. I can't wait until it's over, it's so exhausting and especially embarrassing when we are around people. It's hard to believe that colicky babies grow out of it. I am counting the days until she does. However, I have to admit, when she is not yelling, she is adorable!
Are you sure it's from 8pm until 12:30pm? That would mean the crying starts at 8 in the evening and continues all night, all the next morning until noon the next day.
Regardless, I know what you are going through. My Katja started with her colicky crying when she was a month old and it lasted till she was about 7 months. It would usually last 7 hours a day (all afternoon and early evening);it would start at 1pm and last until 8pm.
Back then, it seemed like hell; my days were a constant struggle. Just as annoying as the screaming/crying were all my husband's family members who claimed to be experts on how to stop this situation by telling me what I was supposedly doing wrong.
Of course, it eventually stopped... Now that she's 3 and an absolute joy, this phase she went through seems so insignificant, almost as though it never happened.
Sorry, I meant until 12am, you are right :) I cannot imagine doing it for 6 months, how did you manage, it must have been so draining!
I guess all I can do is wait it out...
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