Friday, March 27, 2015

This describes me on most days!

For every hand on the clock is a hand reaching for time: 
Time for kids. 
Time for spouse.
Time for work.
Time for housework. 
Time for cooking. 
Time for errands.
Time for social obligations.
Time for exercise.  
Time for friends.
Time for personal care. 
Time for God. 

Time with God used to be at the end of my list. Now I wake up a few minutes early for a daily devotional - before I get my son's school lunch ready, before I check my work emails, before I put away the dishes. 

After following Divine Perspectives in Family Flavours for a few years now, I can fully appreciate what Sonia Salfity meant when she warned, "Neglect to have a good spiritual breakfast and you'll pay the price later." After many years of trying to budget her time productively, she came to realise that she simply cannot afford to get out of bed until she connected with God. "I ask Him to carry me throughout the day."

It's ironic...Today, I want the clock to slow down so I can make time for what matters most to me. One day, I'll want what matters most to me to slow down to make time for me.

1 comment:

Sonia Salfity said...

So happy to know that what I wrote was something you could benefit from! When I write those divine perspectives I always pray that God help me to communicate what it is that He wants to share with that special someone who will read it and soak it in as their heart is touched by God helping to make positive changes and taking a few steps closer as they experience what it's like to tap into God's amazing Holy Spirit🌺 Enjoy every minute!!